John Rullestad  

My name is John Rullestad and I am one of the organisers of the course.

I live in Skudeneshavn on the island of Karmoy in Western Norway.
Please take a look at some nice pictures from Norways' smallest town:

I work as head of The Educational Advisory Service (Pedagogisk Senter)   in Karmoy servicing 23 primary schools, six secondary schools and one Adult Educational Centre with a total of 6000 pupils and around 600 teachers. I have teaching  and administrative experience from secondary school. One of my  responsibilities now is international projects, of which our authority   this year has 13 different Comenius projects.

I was born in Cardiff, Wales, but have lived all my life in Norway, but been back to Wales many times. Being Welshborn I of course support teams from Wales in soccer, rugby and cricket. I was a soccer coach for
nearly 25 years for different teams in the Norwegian 1st, 2nd and 3rd div., but have stopped now as I am so very much involved in educational innovative work in our schools as well as in the many international projecst we are taking part in. Otherwise in my spare time I head the steering committee of Skudefestivalen, a yearly 5-day-event the first week of July each year when more than 600 boats and 30 000 people visit our town to participate at this coastal culture > festival which focuses on old and new boats, art exhibitions, craftwork and music of a varied mixture (Irish, blues, trad jazz, shanties,operette etc.)

English text about our festival is on the Web:

Looking forward to meeting you all in Athens in October

best wishes